Éclore Speech Clinic welcomes you!

Éclore Speech Clinic welcomes you!

Looking for a speech therapist for your child? You're in the right place!


Speech and language assessment or interventions

Speech and language assessment or interventions

I'm looking forward to meet you!


Our Services

Oral language and speech sounds assessment

Are you worried? Do you want to know if your child's language is developing normally?

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Oral language and speech sounds therapy

Do you have a recent speech and language report by a speech therapist?  Do you wish to begin speech therapy to support your child's language development?

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Package for SLPs

You are a speech-language pathologist and you want to start your private practice?  I offer you the best formula to make everything super easy!

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Our Clientele

Speech Sounds Disorder

The person has difficulty producing or articulating  speech sounds considering expectations for his or her age.  He or she might have trouble being understood when speaking.  

Language Difficulties

The child has difficulty understanding or expressing himself or herself.  It is not possible to determine if the difficulties will persist yet, the child has not been exposed enough to the language used during the assessment or there does not seem to be any impact on the child's functioning.  

Developmental Language Disorder

The child has significant and persistant difficulties understanding or expressing himself or herself.  Language learning is difficult and there are no known biomedical conditions.  Impacts are noted on the child's functioning.  

Language Disorder associated with a biomedical condition

Difficulties in expressing oneself and understanding are part of a larger condition such as autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability or other.  


The child is exposed to at least two languagages.  He or she has difficulty understanding or expressing himself or herself in the language he or she is best in.  
